Protective role of sars-cov-2vaccine against severe disease and mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19
vaccine, mortality, COVID-19Abstract
Vaccination is the major source of specific prevention of COVID-19. It is important to assess its efficacy in terms of protecting infected patients from complicated disease and death. We aimed to study the protective role of the vaccine in hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19 to assess its efficacy in decreasing the need of prolonged stationed care, impact on the disease severity and mortality. We conducted a retrospective randomized cross-sectional study on the patients of the First University Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University. Only 17.5% of randomly chosen 325 hospitalized patients were found to be vaccinated. About half of this vaccinated patients had not received second dose. The duration of hospitalization period was 1.2 times longer in fully vaccinated patients compared to unvaccinated ones. Mortality rate was 3.73 % in unvaccinated
patients, while the same value equals 0 in the patients that received at list
one dose of any vaccine. Unvaccinated patients are at relatively higher risk for getting severe infection and being hospitalized. During the hospitalization period positive history of vaccination was associated with decreased prevalence of various complications, the need of intensive care and mortality.
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