Focus and Scope

After double blind review, we publish the best of publish   science   articles the about   original   study and clinical trial, theoretical reviews, preview and report of the researcher project, preliminary data and the description of new and the newest hypothesis, essay in the next directions.

  • Alternative Medicine

 Chinese Medicine

 Acupuncture

 Chinas Medicine

 etc.

  • Authorization, Certification, Licensing Issues in Health Care Institutions, University
  • Balneology, Wellness and SPA. Physical Education
  • Beauty Industry
  • Biochemistry and Biophysics in Fundamental and Applied Medicine. Micro – and Nanobiomechanics
  • Biomedicine, Biorheology and Biotechnology
  • Blockchain and programming languages in Medicine. Digital Medicine. Chatbots
  • Blood, Blood Flow. Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology of Blood Circulation
  • Brain and its Functioning

 Sleep-wakefulness Cycle

 Pain and Analgesia

 Behavioral and Cognitive Functions

 Stress

 Experimental and Clinical Neurology

 Neurophysiology

 Ultra – and Nanoarchitectonics

 Alzheimer’s Disease

 Parkinson’s Disease

 etc.

  • Cell Membranes, Structures and Function. Genome. Mechanisms of Aggregation and Deformation. Genome
  • Clinical Hemorheology
  • Clustering in Biomedicine. Management systems in Biomedicine Areal. Strategic Communication in Biomedicine\
  • COVID-19
  • Economic and Strategic Aspects of Biomedicine
  • Epidemiology methods.     Infection      Diseases  and Non-infection         Diseases. Vaccinations
  • Ethics. Informed Consent. Doctor-Patient Relationship. Strategy and Using Instruments for Conflict Avoidance
  • Evidence Medicine. Medical and Biological Statistics
  • Gerontology and Geriatrics
  • Grant application. Grant Management. Funding Science. Donors. Sponsors
  • Health Care and Policy
  • Innovative Methods. Bioinformatics. Biological Models. Mathematical Models
  • Kinesiology and Biomechanics

 Rehabilitation

 Sports Medicine

 Prosthetics

 Occupation Disease

 etc.

  • Mechanisms of Thrombus and Stasis Formation
  • New Approaches and Challenges for the Medical Education System
  • History of Medicine
  • Philosophy and Medicine
  • Medical Сhemistry
  • Medical Education
  • Medical History
  • Medical Linguistics. Medical Terms. Adaptation of Medical Literature. Translation Problems of Medical Literature
  • Medical Low
  • Medical Physics
  • Medical Philosophy
  • Medical Tourism
  • Mental Health. Defectology. ADD and ADHD
  • Multidisciplinary Approaches of Modern Science
  • Neonatology. Pediatrics
  • Nutritionology. Food, Biologically Active Substances, Medicines and Health. Enzyme
  • Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  • Polyprofile Medicine
  • Prevention of Epidemic. Prevention of Pandemic
  • Radiology and Radiation Safety
  • Reproductive Sciences and Sexual Medicine
  • Rheology of Petroleum Products, Oils, Food and Construction Materials
  • Role of Biomaterials in Biomedicine
  • Surgery

 Planned Operations

 Urgent Operations

 Postoperative Shock

 Plastic Surgery

 Reconstructive Surgery

 etc.

  • Theoretical Hemodynamics and Hemorheology
  • Theoretical, Clinical and Environmental Toxicology
  • Urgent Medicine
  • etc.