Application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and fluid-structure interaction (FSI)in biofluids simulation to solve actual surgery tasks
CFD, FSI, shunt, cholecystectomy, chymeAbstract
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a dynamically developing tool in mechanical engineering and interdisciplinary research. Medicine is one of the areas, where the application of current computational methods is extremely necessary. This study presents the results of using computational fluid dynamics methods to solve actual problems of surgery (modeling of blood flow in the patient-specific aorta of a child with congenital heart disease during bypass surgery; modeling of the flow of bile in the biliary system to predict cholecystectomy outcome; modeling of the chime flow in the colon). Simulation of blood flow in the aorta during shunting. Cardiovascular diseases are most common in the population and cause the prevailing part of premature mortality and disability in both adults and children. Blalock-Taussig shunting is mainly used to eliminate pathological changes in children. However, this procedure is carried out empirically: surgeons use their own experience. FSI enabled to numerically evaluate the shunt parameters and its location for proper lung development in children with congenital heart disease after shunt installation. Biomechanical analysis of the bile flow in healthy state, pathology, and after cholecystectomy. Cholecystectomy (removal of the surgical gallbladder) is usually taken to treat patients suffering from gallbladder disease and gallbladder pain. However, it should be noted that the results of the operation are not always successful. The biomechanical patient-specific model was created to assess the cholecystectomy outcome. Study of the chyme flow features in the colon. The large intestine is a long hollow muscle tube of complex shape, which digests and absorbs nutrients and water from food (which is commonly called chyme in medicine). The goal is to create a patient-specific model of the chyme and feces flow in the colon in the healthy state and pathology. Clinical applications of this model can be expressed in the description and understanding of the causes of the disorders as well as drug efficiency assessment to reduce the number of patients.
Copyright (c) 2022 Alex Kuchumov (Author)

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