Comparative characteristics of healthy pregnant women and non-healthy pregnant women
COVID-19, pregnant, rheologyAbstract
We carried out a systematic search by using a literature about the issue of
our interest in the PubMed and Scopus search databases. We systematically searched the literature published from December 1, 2019 to July 30, 2021 across multiple databases including PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar and the WHO COVID-19 database using the following keywords: “COVID-19” and “pregnancy”. Filter by date: March 1, 2020-until March 1, 2021. We have made a review of the literature on the issue of our interest in the PubMed and Scopus search databases. Based on our understanding, we want to present a small literary review. Changes in the cardiorespiratory and immune systems during pregnancy increase woman's susceptibility to severe infection and hypoxic compromise, but at the same time they may also delay diagnosis and source control in those who have only mild upper respiratory JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2023, Volume 2, Number 2 19 symptoms such as sore throat and nasal congestion; the latter are observed in 5% of patients with COVID-19. With gestational rhinitis, it should also be noted that in pregnant women the content of estrogen, β-estradiol increases, which increases the reactivity of the immune system. Therefore, the intensity of seizures during gestation can increase significantly. However, a high concentration of estrogen disrupts vascular motility, causing vasomotor rhinitis during pregnancy, usually affects a fifth of healthy women in late pregnancy and leads to severe nasal congestion and rhinorrhea; these signs can mask the symptoms of COVID-19, leading to uncontrolled viral shedding and transmission. Dyspnea occurs in 18% of patients with COVID-19.
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